var lang = { "lang": { "locale": "en", "txtTitle": "Cards", "txtLoading": "Loading", "txtConnecting": "Connecting to the server...", "txtLoggingIn": "Logging In...", "txtAsGuest": "You are currently playing as a guest.", "txtConnFail": "Failed to connect to the server.", "txtLoggedAs": "You are currently logged in as ", "txtLobbyErr": "That is not an available lobby.", "txtLobbyJoin": "Join Lobby", "txtLobbyRejoin": "Rejoin Lobby", "txtLobbyCode": "Enter lobby code", "txtLobbyCreate": "Create Lobby", "txtLblGame": "Game: ", "txtLblPlayers": "Players: ", "txtLblRoomCode": "Room Code: ", "txtGiveFriend": "Give this room code to your friends so they can join!", "txtChangeBack": "Change your card back: ", "txtGameStart": "Start Game", "txtLblChangeName": "Change your name:", "txtPlayerName": "Playername", "txtChangeName": "Change Name", "txtNameErr": "That name is invalid or already taken.", "txtLblCardBack": "Log in to change your card back:", "txtOr": "--or--", "txt": "", "indDescs":{ "jack":"J-Back: The ranking of the cards is reversed until the Jack is cleared.", "revolution":"Revolution: The ranking of the cards is reversed until another Revolution is played.", "stairs":"Stairs: You must play the card immediately following the current card." } } }.lang;